
What is Marpa and when is it needed?

E. Choroba (Prague)

Currently unemployed

PerlMonks, CPAN, StackOverflow

What is Marpa?

But before we start…

Who was Marpa?

Marpa the Translator

Marpa painting at Holy Isle

What is Marpa?

Marpa::R2 is a parser module by Jeffrey Kegler.

What is a parser?

Classic example

Grammar: Backus-Naur form

Expression ::= Term
             | Expression + Term
             | Expression - Term
Term       ::= Factor
             | Factor * Factor
             | Factor / Factor
Factor     ::= number
             | ( Expression )
             | + Factor
             | - Factor

Parses (or generates) mathematical expressions of arbitrary complexity.

Classic example

Grammar: Backus-Naur form

Expression ::= Term
             | Expression + Term
             | Expression - Term
Term       ::= Factor
             | Factor * Factor
             | Factor / Factor
Factor     ::= number
             | ( Expression )
             | + Factor
             | - Factor
7 + 2 * 3

Classic example

Grammar: Backus-Naur form

Expression ::= Term
             | Expression + Term
             | Expression - Term
Term       ::= Factor
             | Factor * Factor
             | Factor / Factor
Factor     ::= number
             | ( Expression )
             | + Factor
             | - Factor
7 + 2 * 3

Classic example

Grammar: Backus-Naur form

Expression ::= Term
             | Expression + Term
             | Expression - Term
Term       ::= Factor
             | Factor * Factor
             | Factor / Factor
Factor     ::= number
             | ( Expression )
             | + Factor
             | - Factor
7 + 2 * 3

Classic example

Grammar: Backus-Naur form

Expression ::= Term
             | Expression + Term
             | Expression - Term
Term       ::= Factor
             | Factor * Factor
             | Factor / Factor
Factor     ::= number
             | ( Expression )
             | + Factor
             | - Factor
7 + 2 * 3

Classic example

Grammar: Backus-Naur form

Expression ::= Term
             | Expression + Term
             | Expression - Term
Term       ::= Factor
             | Factor * Factor
             | Factor / Factor
Factor     ::= number
             | ( Expression )
             | + Factor
             | - Factor
7 + 2 * 3

Classic example

use warnings;
use strict;

use Marpa::R2;

my $rules = << '__G__';
lexeme default = latm => 1
:default ::= action => ::first

:start     ::= Expression
Expression ::= Term
             | Expression (plus) Term        action => add
             | Expression (minus) Term       action => subtract
Term       ::= Factor
             | Factor (asterisk) Factor      action => multiply
             | Factor (slash) Factor         action => divide
Factor     ::= number
             | (lbrace) Expression (rbrace)
             | (plus) Factor
             | (minus) Factor                action => negate

number     ~ [0-9.]+
plus       ~ '+'
minus      ~ '-'
asterisk   ~ '*'
slash      ~ '/'
lbrace     ~ '('
rbrace     ~ ')'

whitespace ~ [ \t]+
:discard   ~ whitespace


sub multiply { $_[1] * $_[2] }
sub divide   { $_[1] / $_[2] }
sub add      { $_[1] + $_[2] }
sub subtract { $_[1] - $_[2] }
sub negate   { - $_[1] }

my $input   = shift;
my $grammar = 'Marpa::R2::Scanless::G'->new({ source => \$rules });
my $value   = $grammar->parse(\$input, { semantics_package => 'main' });

print $$value;

Rule precedence

Expression ::= Term
             | Expression (plus) Term        action => add
             | Expression (minus) Term       action => subtract
Term       ::= Factor
             | Factor (asterisk) Factor      action => multiply
             | Factor (slash) Factor         action => divide
Factor     ::= number
             | (lbrace) Expression (rbrace)
             | (plus) Factor
             | (minus) Factor                action => negate

number   ~ [0-9.]+
plus     ~ '+'
minus    ~ '-'
asterisk ~ '*'
slash    ~ '/'
lbrace   ~ '('
rbrace   ~ ')'

Rule precedence

Expression ::= (lbrace) Expression (rbrace)                          assoc => group
             | number
             | (minus) Expression                action => negate
            || Expression (asterisk) Expression  action => multiply
             | Expression (slash) Expression     action => divide
            || Expression (plus) Expression      action => add
             | Expression (minus) Expression     action => subtract

number   ~ [0-9.]+
plus     ~ '+'
minus    ~ '-'
asterisk ~ '*'
slash    ~ '/'
lbrace   ~ '('
rbrace   ~ ')'

No need for Factor and Term.

Adding exponentiation

Expression ::= (lbrace) Expression (rbrace)                          assoc => group
             | number
             | (minus) Expression                action => negate

            || Expression (asterisk) Expression  action => multiply
             | Expression (slash) Expression     action => divide
            || Expression (plus) Expression      action => add
             | Expression (minus) Expression     action => subtract

number   ~ [0-9.]+
plus     ~ '+'
minus    ~ '-'
asterisk ~ '*'
slash    ~ '/'

lbrace   ~ '('
rbrace   ~ ')'

Adding exponentiation

Expression ::= (lbrace) Expression (rbrace)                          assoc => group
             | number
             | (minus) Expression                action => negate
            || Expression (caret) Expression     action => power     assoc => right
            || Expression (asterisk) Expression  action => multiply
             | Expression (slash) Expression     action => divide
            || Expression (plus) Expression      action => add
             | Expression (minus) Expression     action => subtract

number   ~ [0-9.]+
plus     ~ '+'
minus    ~ '-'
asterisk ~ '*'
slash    ~ '/'
caret    ~ '^'
lbrace   ~ '('
rbrace   ~ ')'
Right associative:
4^3^2 = 4^(3^2)
Missing action:
sub power    { $_[1] ** $_[2] }

Adding exponentiation (without priorities)

:start     ::= Expression
Expression ::= Term
             | Expression (plus) Term        action => add
             | Expression (minus) Term       action => subtract
Term       ::= Exp
             | Term (asterisk) Exp           action => multiply
             | Term (slash) Exp              action => divide
Exp        ::= Factor (caret) Exp            action => power
             | Factor
Factor     ::= number
             | (lbrace) Expression (rbrace)
             | (plus) Factor
             | (minus) Factor                action => negate

number     ~ [0-9.]+
plus       ~ '+'
minus      ~ '-'
asterisk   ~ '*'
slash      ~ '/'
lbrace     ~ '('
rbrace     ~ ')'
caret      ~ '^'

Better control of the number format

number     ~ [.0-9]+



Better control of the number format

number     ~ sign_maybe digit_many e
           | sign_maybe digit_any '.' digit_many e_maybe
           | sign_maybe digit_many e_maybe
           | sign_maybe non_zero digit_any

empty      ~
sign_maybe ~ [+-] | empty
digit      ~ [0-9]
non_zero   ~ [1-9]
digit_any  ~ digit*
digit_many ~ digit+
e          ~ [Ee] sign_maybe digit_many
e_maybe    ~ e | empty

Understands the following: -12E+12, .12e5

Add variables

a = 3 * 7;
b = a * 2;
print b + 1

Add variables (grammar)

:start     ::= Program
Program    ::= Statement semicolon Program       action => none
             | Statement                         action => none
Statement  ::= Assign                            action => none
             | Output                            action => none
Assign     ::= Var (eq) Expression               action => store
Output     ::= (print) List                      action => show
List       ::= Expression (comma) List           action => concat
             | Expression
Expression ::= (lbrace) Expression (rbrace)                          assoc => group
             | number
             | (minus) Expression                action => negate
             | Var                               action => interpolate
            || Expression (caret) Expression     action => power     assoc => right
            || Expression (asterisk) Expression  action => multiply
             | Expression (slash) Expression     action => divide
            || Expression (plus) Expression      action => add
             | Expression (minus) Expression     action => subtract
Var        ::= varname

varname    ~ alpha | alpha alnum
alpha      ~ [a-zA-Z]
alnum      ~ [a-zA-Z0-9]+

semicolon  ~ ';'
eq         ~ '='
comma      ~ ','
print      ~ 'print'

Add variables (new actions)

my %vars;
sub none        {}
sub show        { say $_[1] }
sub concat      { $_[1] . $_[2] }
sub store       { $vars{ $_[1] } = $_[2] }
sub interpolate { $vars{ $_[1] } // die "Unknown variable $_[1]" }

Add strings

r = 3 ^ 3; print "The result is: ", r

Add strings (grammar)

:start     ::= Program
Program    ::= Statement semicolon Program       action => none
             | Statement                         action => none
Statement  ::= Assign                            action => none
             | Output                            action => none
Assign     ::= Var (eq) Expression               action => store
Output     ::= (print) List                      action => show
List       ::= Expression (comma) List           action => concat
             | Expression
             | String (comma) List               action => concat
             | String

Expression ::= (lbrace) Expression (rbrace)                          assoc => group
             | number
             | (minus) Expression                action => negate
             | Var                               action => interpolate
            || Expression (caret) Expression     action => power     assoc => right
            || Expression (asterisk) Expression  action => multiply
             | Expression (slash) Expression     action => divide
            || Expression (plus) Expression      action => add
             | Expression (minus) Expression     action => subtract
String     ::= (quote) string (quote)
Var        ::= varname

semicolon  ~ ';'
eq         ~ '='
comma      ~ ','
print      ~ 'print'
string     ~ [^"]*
quote      ~ '"'

Make semicolons optional

a=1 b=2 c=a+b print c

Make semicolons optional (Ruby Slippers)

Make semicolons optional (before)

my $grammar = 'Marpa::R2::Scanless::G'->new({ source => \$rules });
my $value   = $grammar->parse(\$input, { semantics_package => 'main' });

print $$value if defined $$value;

Make semicolons optional (code)

my $grammar = 'Marpa::R2::Scanless::G'->new({source => \$rules});
my $recce   = 'Marpa::R2::Scanless::R'->new({grammar           => $grammar,
                                             semantics_package => 'main',
                                             rejection         => 'event'});
my $last_pos = -1;
for ( $recce->read(\$input);
      $recce->pos < length $input;
) {
    if (grep 'semicolon' eq $_, @{ $recce->terminals_expected }) {
        $recce->lexeme_read('semicolon', $recce->pos, 0);
        $last_pos = $recce->pos;
        warn 'Semicolon inserted at ', $last_pos;
    } else {
        die "No lexeme found at ", $recce->pos;
my $value = $recce->value;

print $$value if defined $$value;

Me showing Marpa to people

Me using Marpa:


Thank you